My First Time…
Writing an actual essay was in 3rd grade. This may seem early but for some reason I feel as though it’s a little late. Don’t get me wrong it was by no means an in depth analysis on a Judy Blume book; the prompts were more like write about a family vacation, but it was a structured paper with a point, beginning, and end. My teacher (whom I’ll never forget), Mrs. Swebjka always made us write as our first exercise for the day. She would hand us papers with houses on them. The house would take up the entire page. It had a roof: for the intro. Three columns in the middle: 3 paragraphs for each column. Inside each column would be the numbers 1-4 and under each number we would write a sentence, these would eventually become our paragraph. Underneath everything was the base of the house which represented our conclusion. In retrospect it was a pretty neat, crafty, efficient way to not only learn how to write an essay but also how to teach students to write as well.
Everyday we would write. I guess this is one of my few memories of why I love writing and English so much. From an early age I was taught how to write so I didn’t grow up struggling like some people when it comes to writing. Although as I reflect, I can say this is probably what made me such a formulaic writer especially the standard 5 paragraph essay: 1 intro, 3 bodies, and 1 conclusion. Still, I am thankful for the strong foundation I was given because it has unknowingly benefited me tremendously.
Thank you, Mrs. Swebjka
In all of the public discussion about what isn't working in our schools, I fear what gets lost is the tremendous impact caring, competent teachers have on their students. It can seems so simple, but it is profound. Did you ever get a chance to thank her? I bet it would mean a lot to her to know that you still remember her and the things she taught you!