I mean wow the world has become advanced! I initially stumbled upon this article as I was researching another topic concerning writing consultants and writers, but as I googled it this intriguing article presented itself to me. The title was quite captivating and naturally seeing it I clicked away. Before even reading it my natural assumption was that it was some rinky-dink rip off software where students could type in the topic and a scroll list of criteria would emerge; and through careful filtration of already written scholarly essays the program would produce a wrapped and sealed essay to the student with little to no effort on their part. I thought it was a classier version of buying essays online, it only gave you the idea that you had actually done work but still tried to purport the document as your own hard work. Well after reading the article I realized that the idea and the program itself was a little brilliant. It offered students the same help and advice they would receive had they had an actual tutor helping them only it was a software program. Honestly after reading everything it does and does not do I give it the star of approval (not that my say has any real merit). All of the work is the student’s own so there is no plagiarism (at least on the program’s part) and it is essentially and aids just a technological one. So here’s the question: Thumbs up or Thumbs down??
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